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Employee Hotline


By utilizing our secure reporting system, your organization will have the chance to address your concern. The more detailed the information you provide, the better positioned your organization will be to assess whether an investigation is necessary.

Please be aware that by using this reporting tool, you are agreeing to the following:

  • ViaVision Hotline is not an emergency service. If you are facing an emergency, please contact your local authorities immediately.

  • The information you submit through ViaVision Hotline will be forwarded to the designated representative within the organization you reference.

  • You are not required to identify yourself to use ViaVision Hotline. However, if you choose to provide identifying information, it will be shared with the organization (except for your email, which will remain anonymous)

  • If you choose to provide your email, it will remain anonymous. Your email will only be used to assign you a case number and grant access to the case management system. Through this system, you and the organization can communicate securely, ask and answer clarifying questions, and receive updates on the progress of the case.

Please take a moment to review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

If you agree, click the button below to start live chat.

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