Through our secure reporting system, your organization will have an opportunity to learn about your concern. The more information you provide, the better equipped your organization will be to determine if an investigation is needed.
Please know that by using this reporting tool, you are agreeing to the following:
ViaVision Hotline is not an emergency service. Contact your local authorities if you have an emergency.
When you submit information through ViaVision Hotline, it will be sent to your organization's designee at the organization you reference.
You do not need to identify yourself to use ViaVision Hotline, but if you do provide identifying information, it will be sent to the organization you reference.
Identifying yourself allows your organization to follow up with you in order to understand your concern more deeply and determine the full scope of the matter. It also provides for the opportunity to update you when the matter is resolved.
Please review our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.
If you agree, hit continue to submit your concern: